• Daylighting

Daylighting with CV Series Hydrovacs and TerraVac Hydrovac Trailers

"Daylighting" (also referred to as "potholing") is the process of exposing underground utilities, pipes, and conduits for locating and damage inspection projects. Pipe and utility infrastructure inspection is important in municipal maintenance and development applications. Traditionally performing excavation operations with a backhoe or shovel has led to costly infrastructure damage and pipeline ruptures. The result is that hydro excavation is now the favored and safer procedure for potholing or daylighting.

"Potholing" (also referred to as "daylighting") is the process of exposing underground utilities, pipes, and conduits for locating and damage inspection projects.
Utility Locating
Hydro excavation is a safe alternative to traditional shovel or backhoe digging methods of soil and material removal for utility locating for construction and infrastructure applications.
Sub-surface Utility Engineering (SUE)
Subsurface Utility Engineering Support is critical in the planning and design phase of a project, identifying interference between projects and underground features.
Piling Hole Excavation
Effectively digging piling holes of varying sizes can be easily and safely completed with hydro excavation.
Slot Trenching
Hydro excavation can be used to dig precise narrow trenches to an exact depth using high-pressured water or air while maintaining the integrity of the surrounding soil.
With a smaller cutting width and shallower depth, microtrenching reduces ground disruption on the jobsite.
Directional Drilling Support
Directional drilling is often used to navigate around obstacles such as geological formations or existing infrastructure or utilities.